Fairgrounds: examples of jobs needing to be done are weeding, watering, office work, painting and a variety of tasks for upcoming events. Call the Fairgrounds at 269-781-8161 or email them at ccaisoffice@gmail.com for more information
Chamber of Commerce: email them at info@marshallaeda.org for more information on opportunities available
MidMichigan Cat Rescue: email them volunteer@midmichigancatrescue.org for more information on opportunities available
Medilodge: interested in working with senior citizens? Contact Lynda Sherrell of the Medilodge at 269-781-4251 via email at: LSherrell@medilodgeofmarshall.com
Volunteers are needed to help the Marshall Area Garden Club with spring clean-up and weeding of the flower beds and landscaped areas around downtown Marshall. Contact Natalie Rector at rec33not@gmail.com to schedule a date/time.
Marshall Historical Society: Volunteers needed for the Home Tour in September and Candlelight Tour in December. For more information contact Darby Bayliss at darberic@gmail.com.